WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.


11 Ways to Pass a Nicotine Test If You Vape

11 Ways to Pass a Nicotine Test If You Vape

Testing new employees on smoking and vaping is a routine in the US, which probably makes you wonder how to pass a nicotine test if you vape. Most active tobacco smokers switched to vaping as a healthier option, but standard tests still record cotinine metabolized in the human body from nicotine.

The only way to pass a nicotine test if you vape regularly is to reduce its concentration in your system. That way, you can successfully minimize the chances of positive test results, but you need to adjust the strategy depending on the test and your body condition.

What Are Nicotine and Cotinine?

Nicotine is a regular ingredient in vape and tobacco products. It quickly enters the bloodstream after inhaling and then goes to the liver to break down into several components.

The vital metabolite is alkaloid cotinine, which exists in human blood longer than nicotine, making it the main substance most tests detect. Its concentration in non-smokers is typically lower than five ng/mL, sometimes up to ten ng/mL. That number is significantly higher in regular smokers and vapers, approximately 30 to 50 ng/ml.

Unfortunately, the nicotine intake method is insignificant in this case. In other words, the cotinine level will be the same when inhaling a certain amount of nicotine, regardless of whether you smoke or vape.

What Is a Nicotine Test?

Nicotine tests help determine smokers and vapes by detecting nicotine levels in their bodies. In fact, they can record three chemicals, including nicotine, cotinine, and anabasine.

While the first two can be detected in both smokers and vapers, the third substance is only present in tobacco. That means it is detectable only in smokers but not in those who enjoy vaping.

In most cases, they detect the byproduct cotinine because it has a longer half-life than nicotine itself. Half-life time equals the hours necessary for half of this substance to leave the system. It is typically about sixteen hours but can be prolonged up to forty hours in some cases.

Since cotinine concentrations in urine are approximately four to six times higher than in saliva and blood, tests can detect this metabolite even after that period.

The time nicotine is detectable in the human body after the last use

The time nicotine is detectable in the human body after the last use

Body part Light users Heavy users
Blood 1 to 3 days 1 to 3 days
Saliva 1 to 4 days 1 to 4 days
Breath A few hours A few days
Hair Up to 90 days 90+ days
Urine 2 to 4 days Up to a week

For instance, current smokers and vapers have urine cotinine levels of over 1,000 ng/mL, but that value can go up to 8,000 ng/mL. On the other hand, that level drops to only 50 ng/mL after two weeks, but it is still far higher than in non-vapers.

There are a few test types used for this purpose, including those that test breath, saliva, urine, blood test, hair follicles, and nicotine patches (gum) test.

The presence of cotinine in any sample proves nicotine consumption within days or even weeks, depending on the method. They also show the amount of nicotine in the human body at the moment of testing.

You should know that factors affecting nicotine detection depend on vaping frequency, nicotine concentration, and device type. Besides, you can find many other things that affect the period necessary to detect nicotine or its byproducts in the system, such as:

  • Age and gender
  • Body mass
  • Genetics
  • Hydration level
  • Physical activity
  • Type, frequency, and history of use
  • Hormone levels
  • Medications
  • Liver and kidney function

Safety Tip: Focus on Your Health, Not Just Nicotine Detection Times

When considering how long nicotine stays in your system, it’s even more important to consider whether the e-cigarette you’re using is safe. Do they accurately label nicotine content?

As we know, the addictive nature of nicotine is part of the allure of vaping, even as a healthier alternative to smoking. Still, it has that addictive hook. Just imagine if you had 1% and 2% nicotine e-juices to vape—you’d naturally feel like the 2% gives you a better vape. Clearly companies know this too. To boost sales, some disreputable e-cigarette manufacturers spike their products with higher nicotine than labeled.

The dangers don’t stop there. To please your taste buds, they may even add unknown hazardous substances, rather than considering your health. That’s why choosing a trustworthy, reputable brand is so crucial. Look for responsible e-cigarette companies that care about your satisfaction and well-being. Use good quality e-liquids and your taste buds will thank you.

Unlike brands that sacrifice quality and safety for profits, SPIRITBAR Vape always puts users’ health first when crafting e-liquids. They would never add potentially harmful chemicals just to boost a flavor. Instead, SPIRITBAR invests in research, using only rigorously tested, high quality ingredients to optimize natural tastes.

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Ways to Pass a Nicotine Test If You Vape

The best way to get a negative nicotine test is to be without this substance in your body. If you are a smoker, you probably need to spend weeks to remove all traces, particularly from fat cells.

The most effective way of getting nicotine out of the entire body is a complete detox. The first step is to give up smoking for a few weeks and follow several steps to clean the system.

On the other hand, most smokers need to prepare themselves for nicotine tests within a few days, which excludes natural detox as an efficient option. In such a case, you need to resort to other methods. Let’s start.

1. Temporarily stop vaping

This option can be stressful for most vapers, but it is the most efficient. Remember that nicotine metabolites persist in the human body for a limited period, so you can expect to become clean after a while when stopping everyday intake.

Giving up your habit for at least a week is probably enough to pass the test, particularly when combining it with a healthy diet and exercise. Expectedly, a more prolonged abstinence period lowers the possibility of nicotine residue detection in your body.

2. Nicotine-free vape juice

One of the best methods to eliminate nicotine from your system is to use nicotine-free E-liquid for a few weeks before testing. This option is acceptable for vapers but makes sense only for those who have enough time at their disposal.

3. Increase water intake

Staying well-hydrated significantly fastens metabolism and can help you eliminate nicotine and its metabolites from your system. The aim is to support optimal kidney function and facilitate toxin (nicotine in this case) removal.

Besides, excessive drinking dilutes urine, making urine test passing more probable. You should also consider using a strong detox drink if you have a short deadline because some allegedly mask nicotine for several hours. If you have enough time, it is better to try natural diuretics, such as:

  • Lemon water
  • Coffee
  • Green tea
  • Cranberry juice

4. Adjust the diet

Some food types can help you boost your metabolism and eliminate nicotine during an acceptable period. Some of the most effective solutions include the following:

  • Food rich in antioxidants, fiber, minerals, and vitamin C
  • Whole grains
  • Fruit, particularly oranges
  • Veggies (carrots, garlic, onions, and kale)
  • Lean meat without fatty food, meat products, and low-quality nutritional food
  • Vitamin supplements

Your goal is to promote bile production in your liver, which speeds up the process of nicotine elimination from your body. Besides, fiber and water clean the body by speeding up drug breakdown.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to pass the test by relying on a healthy diet alone. It is necessary to combine it with other methods, including detox pills.

5. Exercise

Regular exercise can help you get rid of cotinine and pass the test. It is a way to encourage faster blood flow and increase sweating.

Physical activity can include hard workouts, but sometimes, it is enough to walk and ride a bike more than usual. Besides, you can discover the advantages of swimming, dancing, or practicing yoga.

6. Manage stress

Besides keeping your body healthy, you should take care of your mind. Get at least eight hours of sleep per night and give your best to eliminate stressful situations.

Finding a way to manage stress during abstinence is critical because it is always a trigger for increased cravings for nicotine. Practicing relaxing techniques like deep breathing can help lower the stress level.

7. Detox pills

Many vapers find detox pills an ideal solution when they need to go for a blood nicotine test. Its use means there is no need to make a pause in vaping or change your dietary and activity habits.

Taking three over-the-counter detox pills during a week before testing can help you clear the system faster than by using any natural way. However, it is necessary to stop vaping during that period to allow complete nicotine detoxification.

Be aware that the effectiveness of all these products can vary slightly from one individual to another. Finally, always use them responsibly to prevent adverse consequences.

8. Nicotine replacement therapy

You can use nicotine gums, patches, or lozenges during the period before testing to reduce the urge to vape. They contain controlled nicotine doses that can help you endure without smoking or vaping without triggering a positive result.

9. Macujo method

The Macujo method can help you avoid getting a positive test result when the sample is hair. Since hairs contain nicotine metabolites for over 90 days, your only chance is to remove toxins from their follicles with chemicals.

Unfortunately, your hair will stay damaged after daily applying a mixture for one week. It includes three ingredients (acetic acid vinegar, salicylic acid shampoo, and shampoo Old-style Aloe Toxin Rid)

10. Neutralizing mouthwash

This option is efficient only for cheating a saliva nicotine test. If you are a light vaper, it is enough to stop vaping and start mouthwashing three times a day for at least a week before testing.

11. Choose test timing

One of your options is to schedule the time of the nicotine test strategically. For instance, your body contains the lowest nicotine levels in the morning, increasing your chances of passing the test.

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Nicotine tests can prove that you are an active smoker or exposed to second-hand smoke. Unfortunately, it is the same for vapers, including those who quit smoking and switch to this healthier option.

Once you learn how the nicotine test works and how long nicotine stays in your body fluids and hair, you can find a way to avoid a positive result.

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