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6 Reasons Why Disposable Vapes Make You Feel Sick (Ways to Stop!!!)

6 Reasons Why Disposable Vapes Make You Feel Sick (Ways to Stop!!!)

It’s quite normal for novice vapers to get nauseated. But this mostly happens when they smoke nicotine vapes. The active compound in the juice “nicotine” also leads to dizziness, increased heart rate, and loss of appetite.

What if you’re an avid vaper? Can you still experience these side effects?

Although disposable vapes indeed provide an excellent alternative to regular tobacco cigarettes by reducing most of the harmful compounds, this doesn’t mean that vaping can’t make you sick.

Disposable vapes don’t discriminate in the way that they make consumers sick. Even, if you’re using nicotine-free e-juice or regularly vape, most likely you may still get nausea or the urge to vomit.

Let’s now go further into the reasons why disposable vapes cause such uncomfortable feelings and seek out ways to prevent this after a pleasurable vaping session.

Why Do Disposable Vapes Make Me Feel Sick?

Why Do Disposable Vapes Make Me Feel Sick

1. You are a Beginner

For beginner vapers, the first-time vaping experience can begin with a “slamdunk” hit, only to end with a downward slump. Even if you were a regular cigarette smoker switching to vaping, this might still happen to you.

When you use a nicotine-based disposable vape for the first time, the nicotine in the e-liquid rushes from your lungs to your bloodstream.  Your body in return releases adrenaline, which leads to an increase in blood pressure, breathing rate, and pulse.

Afterward, you will feel highly responsive and attentive. The urge to cough might also increase. However, when this great feeling fades, you are left devastated, sometimes tired or dizzy.

One mistake novice vapers make is to vape on an empty belly.  Doing so increases the rate at which nicotine is absorbed into your system through the walls of the digestive system. With an overload of nicotine within your system, you eventually feel nauseated. So, ensure you eat before or after vaping.

Yes, it might take time for your system to get used to nicotine. But after several vaping sessions, the feeling of nausea and other nicotine-induced side effects will go away.

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2. The Allergens and Flavorings in the Vapes Might be Making You Feel Sick

Although rare some individuals can have allergic reactions after vaping. Our bodies usually get confused – more specifically our immune system.

When you introduce a foreign substance like vape particles into your body, your immune system can mistake it for a harmful substance, leading to an allergic reaction.  The reactions can present themselves as rashes, dizziness, and sometimes anaphylactic shock.

So, as a vaper, it’s wise to know which compounds of your vape juice are you allergic to.

The negative impact of some of the allergens

Common allergens in disposable vapes include vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol, and the flavorings themselves.

Propylene glycol or PG can induce hives, eczema, and skin irritation. If you have an existing skin condition and use a vape with propylene glycol, you’re in for an unpleasant ride.

On the other hand, vegetable glycerin is responsible for wheezing, coughing, or respiratory irritation for some people. If you have an existing respiratory condition, stay away from vapes with VG because you are more vulnerable to these conditions.

The negative impact of some of the flavorings

Flavorings also known as flavor additives are ingredients that enhance the aroma of disposable vapes. However, while the sweet or fruity flavors evoke a sense of happiness or nostalgia, they might also make you feel sick.

Some flavorings in disposable vapes, including cinnamaldehyde, benzaldehyde, ethyl-vanillin, and vanillin, are responsible for scratchy throat, coughing, and breathing troubles.  It’s therefore critical to take note of the flavorings you are likely allergic to.

3. The E-liquid Has an Excessive Concentration of Nicotine

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While using a vape with a high concentration of nicotine can give you a quick hit, it is more likely to be dangerous than fun. If you take in more puffs at quick intervals, you might just be another victim of nicotine poisoning.

For example, E-liquids with Nic Salts (Salt Nic/Nicotine Salt) are said to have a stronger nicotine base compared to ordinary E-liquids. Many love Nic Salts E-liquids because of the smooth vaping experience they provide, making them somewhat ignore the dangers.

Many say they get a “buzz” feeling when they take a puff of overly potent vaporized e-liquid. But more puffs than normal can lead to some side effects, such as nausea or increased heart rate.

The extra puffs can sometimes lead to symptoms associated with the early phase of nicotine poisoning like:

  • Sweating
  • Pale skin color
  • Increased salivation
  • Muscle twitching
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Vomiting

In critical cases, one might experience late-phase nicotine poisoning symptoms like:

  • Diarrhea
  • Shock
  • Low blood pressure
  • Slow heart rate
  • Abdominal heart rhythms
  • Paralysis or muscle weakness
  • Difficulty breathing

It is advisable to have someone close when vaping high-nicotine e-juice because getting to the late phase of nicotine poisoning is usually a matter of life and death. Some people have even gone into a coma or experienced respiratory failure at this stage. Or consider giving up vaping.

4. You Are Chain Vaping Different Flavors

Just like chain vaping comes with its fun, so does it come with a chain reaction of its own. And to put it plainly, the resultant chain reaction can be disorienting and unpleasant for many.

Chain vaping different flavors may lead to feeling of being sick because of all the chemical components you are mixing up. Remember, your body is used to a specific flavor or type of disposable vape. So, changing things abruptly breaks routine, disorienting your system.

Moreover, taking in multiple puffs without a break (chain vaping) infuses an overload of nicotine into your system. And as we mentioned earlier, the excess nicotine can cause nausea and vomiting as well as dehydration and vaper’s tongue.

Sometimes, other than chain vaping a mixture of different flavors, you might be tempted to mess around with vapes of different nicotine concentrations. In most cases, you are more likely to experiment with lower nicotine levels before upping your game.

Yes, upping the strength of the e-juice might sound fun, especially when you are doing it with friends. However, think twice before doing so because you are likely to be hospitalized due to nicotine poisoning.

5. The E-liquid is Contaminated or Expired

Even though brands do their best to test and ensure the tanks and coils of each disposable vape are clean and in great shape, errors do happen.

Some disposable vapes with damaged coils might get through the production line. Others might stay on the shelves for a period close to their expiry date.  When vapes buy these gadgets they might be exposed to some risks.

For instance, the damaged coils in such gadgets can release harmful toxic metals like manganese, nickel, and chromium. Upon inhaling these heavy metals, you can experience dizziness. At higher levels, you are looking at lung and liver damage.

While we are still discussing the expiry date, the shelf life of most e-liquids is about two years. Of course, this depends on the storage condition of the vape and the vape juice’s ingredients. So, it is up to you to make inquiries before you pick up your next disposable vape.

6. You are Vaping at a Higher Wattage

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A higher wattage heats the coil much faster, which in turn vaporizes the e-liquid quickly. The greater the evaporation, the more nicotine you’d be taking in per puff.

So, if you do decide to keep the wattage high, you are more likely to feel the side effects of nicotine much faster.

Besides contributing to the delivery of a higher amount of nicotine to your system, a higher wattage can damage the coil, leading to a leakage. If you do not capture the leakage as early, you are more likely to keep puffing on deadly chemicals formed after the coil’s metals heat up in the presence of the leaking e-liquid.

To avoid feeling sick due to a higher wattage, configure the vape’s wattage to the recommended wattage settings. Check your disposable vape’s manual to fine-tune and adjust the wattage.

How Do I Stop Feeling Sick After Using Disposable Vapes?

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Even though we have highlighted some of the actions to take to stop feeling sick right after using disposable vapes, here is a quick recap of what you should do:

  1. If you are a beginner, give your system time to get used to the amount of nicotine you are using. Avoid stepping up the nicotine amount whatsoever. Alternatively, if the symptoms worsen, opt for a non-nicotine vape.
  2. Opt for a disposable vape with a small to moderate concentration of nicotine. Doing so will allow you pleasure with little worries about the occurrence of nicotine poisoning.
  3. Take about 10 to 35 seconds breaks in between puffs. Even when enjoying the moment, you do want to do the same next time. Take breaks to fill your lungs with clean air so you can sustain your lung’s health.
  4. Be aware of your allergies. Visit a qualified medical professional who can provide you with detailed and accurate information about your allergies.
  5. Always check your coil, tank, and expiry date. You do not want to start feeling sick as a result of your negligence.
  6. Review the wattage numbers on your vape’s manual and configure the wattage based on the recommended ranges.

Closing Remarks

Our Top Pick

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  • Full-Screen Display
  • Smooth & Boost Adjustable Two Models
  • 25ml E-liquid Capacity
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Wondering why disposable vapes make you feel sick? Well, the reasons link back to your usage choices and habits. Perhaps you are a complete beginner who did not take the time to research the impact of nicotine on one’s body, or you just wanted a greater hit, making you crank up the wattage.

It is quite easy for some people to determine why they feel sick after using a disposable vape, while others have to keep looking. To ease the process, monitor your symptoms and how you handled your vaping session.

Ask questions such as whether you checked the tank or coil and more. Alternatively, you can reach out to a medical professional to help you out.

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