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Vape Pen Blinks When Cartridge Is In (Causes & Solutions)

Vape Pen Blinks When Cartridge Is In

As a vaping enthusiast, you already know there are a couple of things as frustrating as those awful flashlights. You’ve just loaded your best cartridge and pressed the button, and instead of the satisfying flavor you were expecting, you’re hit with an erratic blinker.

But before you get agitated and ditch your favorite vape, listen to what the experts say!

Most often, the vape pen blinking issue occurs due to at least two issues: Either a low battery or connection problem.

So, don’t freak out! Relax, and let us give you a detailed breakdown of the common causes of those perplexing and annoying blinks.

What Does It Mean When My Vape Blinks?

What Does It Mean When My Vape Blinks

As you’ll learn, there can be several reasons behind the blinking of your vape pen. It may continue blinking if it’s experiencing internal hitches but don’t forget it also blinks whenever you use it.

However, it could be more confusing when your vape pen blinks a few times and stops. That means you must learn how to distinguish between a vape blinking three times versus 5 or 10 times.

1. The Vape Pen Blinks 3 Times

Most high-end vape pens are protected from issues such as short circuits. A short circuit will occur due to too much current flow in your pen. So, if your pen blinks three times, it’s a sign that it’s getting more current than it can hold.

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2. The Vape Pen Blinks 5 Times

It mostly occurs when the activation switch is stuck. Vapers believe that if the activation switch is stuck, then it might burn off all the juice.

Don’t panic since all devices are protected with an 8-second cut-off. This will automatically shut down the vape pen’s battery when the device fires for 8 seconds. When this happens, your vape will blink 5 times.

3. The Vape Pen Blinks 10 Times

Everything gets messy with this amount of vape pen blinks. It’s extremely unpleasant to the eyes to watch your vape pen blinking and never stop.

It happens when the battery is extremely low or dead. This can also be caused by improper charging. So, ensure you charge the device properly on a dry surface.

4. The Vape Pen Blinks 15 Times

Are you a person who gets irritated by watching a vape pen blinking 10 times?

Now, you can imagine your reaction if the vape pen blinks 15 times. The amount of blinking happens due to lower voltage. Your vape pen will automatically go off if the battery’s capacity is below 3.3V.

So, what’s the real cause of vape blinks when the cartridge is in?

During our comprehensive research, we identified several causes, highlighted here. So, read through them for a better understanding.

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Why Is My Vape Blinking When Cartridge Is In?

1. Low battery

One common reason your vape pen blinks even when a cartridge is in and not working is due to low battery power.

Yes, you heard that right!

Battery power is one of the major issues since the more you use the vape pen, the faster your battery drains. Therefore, keeping a keen eye on the number of puffs you take after charging the battery is imperative.

If the pen blinks continuously, it may signal a low battery. Plug it into its compatible charger and wait for the solid light showing a fully charged battery.

2. Connection Issues in the Vape Pen

Another reason for your vape pen to blink could be an issue with the connection between the cartridge and the battery.

A connection point is important as it facilitates the efficient transfer of power to the cartridge’s coil (heating element). This, in turn, vaporizes your e-liquid. If the connection is compromised, it will lead to various issues, such as the dreaded blinking light.

But how do you handle this? You might ask!

It’s not complicated. Make sure the cartridge is firmly attached to your pen’s battery. Over time, the continuous screwing and unscrewing of the cartridge will make the connection loose.

So, ensure it is tightly in its place to create a solid connection. Moreover, the battery door should be snugly and properly closed. This shall fix the vape pen charging light issue.

3. Issues With the Activation Switch

In some cases, the activation switch may be stuck and get jammed. You must keep your vape device clean. Remember, storage affects its lifespan.

If you follow the proper storage instructions, you won’t deal with any blockage issues with your device.

Check if your activation switch is in perfect condition by removing the battery and checking if it’s clean.

4. Overheating Of the Device

Overheating is another issue in your vape pen that can trigger a blinking light. In most cases, overheating is caused by intense heat produced during the vaping procedure.

Your vape pen works by heating the coil—vaporizing the e-liquid. Nevertheless, you’ll experience issues when the device exceeds its required temperature threshold.

No matter how much you love your e-liquid, avoid chain vaping, a practice of taking consecutive puffs without letting the pen cool down. As the coil continuously works without sufficient intervals for dissipation. This will result in the accumulation of heat within your device.

However, your vape pen might have temperature control features that can trigger a blinking light when the temperature surpasses safe limits.

From the look at it, routine inspection and maintenance of the device are important, as they prevent overheating problems.

Additionally, be mindful of external aspects as exposure to high temperatures and direct sunlight, which might cause the device to overheat.

5. Compatibility Problems

Sometimes a vape pen flashing light as if communicating in Morse code could be a sign of compatibility issues.

Cartridges are designed to function with specific types of vape pens. Each vape pen has unique preferences, from voltage requirements to thread patterns. So, trying to use a cartridge that doesn’t match these set preferences, you’ll end up with a blinking light rather than a nourishing puff of vapor.

Therefore, read through the user manual before tossing your hands out of frustration. Examine the treading on your preferred cartridge — ensure it’s like a tight handshake with your pen.

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Is My Vape Pen Safe?

Other issues aside for a moment.

Whenever you notice your device showing unsafe or abnormal behaviors, stop using it that minute. If, after checking all the things you can, you still see your disposable vape pen blinking, it could be unsafe to use.

Read the user manual carefully to understand the issue. Some of the things to look out for include:

  • Short circuit
  • Overheating
  • Check if the switch is continuously pressed for a long time
  • Damaged battery
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How Can I Prevent the Blinking Issues?

How Can I Prevent the Blinking Issues

Knowing how to avoid the issues is important since we know why your vape pen blinks. Read through:

1. Charge The Pen Frequently Within a Safe Range of Power

When your disposable vape starts blinking without producing any e-liquid, it may be due to a low battery. Plug it into a compatible charger and ensure it is fully charged. Note that weak lithium batteries try to warn you by making the device blink.

2. Clean The Connections for The Cartridge and Battery

Check if the connectors between the cartridge and battery have any dust, powder, or residue buildup. Apply some rubbing alcohol on a cotton swab and rub them gently. Before you put the pen back together, ensure that the cartridge and battery lines are dry.

3. Clean The Pen

Cleaning your vape pen frequently is important. For starters, you can prevent anything related to activation switch blockage. Besides, your vape pen might have leakage, so cleaning it might help you detect where it’s leaking from.

4. Inspect The Coils

Inspect your vape pen’s tank or coil to find out if it functions. If you notice any damage, such as a broken or burned coil, you might need a replacement. Follow the instructions to install a new coil.

5. Store The Pen Properly

Your device will get damaged when it comes in contact with moisture. Therefore, store it on a cool and dry surface free from any moisture. Keep it away from direct sunlight and out of reach of kids.

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What Are the Preventive Measures to Avoid Future Blinking Problems?

Having a vape pen that blinks without stopping can be frustrating. So, ensure you have a satisfying vaping experience by following these:

  • Maintenance: Clean the cartridge and battery links regularly to ensure the energy works efficiently and to prevent dirt accumulation.
  • Do not overcharge or undercharge the battery. Read the instructions for how many times and how long you should charge it.
  • Handle with care: Don’t drop your pen, as this will hurt the internal components and make it blink.

Final Thoughts

Whenever your vape pen begins blinking, it does not necessarily imply that your device is faulty or has a severe glitch. In most cases, the blinker is a sign that something isn’t okay, like the battery being low. By taking time to diagnose and address the problem, you’ll easily fix it yourself and proceed to enjoy puffs of your favorite e-juice.

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