WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.


Can I Take Vapes to Japan? Is vaping legal in Japan?

Can I Take Vapes to Japan

Vapes are a great way to beat cigarette addiction, but the problem comes when you want to visit a country where vaping rules are quite different from the ones back home.

Japan is likely to be one such country, so to help you understand what to expect when you travel there, in this post, we answer the question, can I take vapes to Japan?

Can I Take Vapes to Japan? The short answer

Our Top Pick
SPIRITBAR Katana BP10000

$36 $12.99 (Free Shipping, 2-6 Days Delivery)

  • Up to 10000 Puffs
  • E-liquid & Power Screen Display
  • Mesh Coil
  • 2-6 days delivery

Since there seems to be a lot of contradictory information floating about on the internet, let’s start with a simple answer to the question.

Can you take vapes into Japan? Yes, you can.

However, there are a lot more restrictions concerning this in Japan than in many other countries, and it’s important to understand exactly what you can and can’t do to make sure you avoid receiving a fine – or worse.

That’s what we’re going to spend the rest of this post discussing, so now let’s jump right in and get started.

Is vaping legal in Japan?

The first thing you need to understand is whether vaping is legal in Japan – and there’s a clear distinction between products that contain nicotine and those that don’t.

In Japan, vape juice that doesn’t contain nicotine is completely legal, and there are currently no restrictions on its sale or use – which effectively means anyone can buy and use a nicotine-free vape, even including minors.

However, when it comes to vape juices that contain nicotine, it’s a completely different situation.

In Japan, liquids that contain nicotine are illegal, which means, in theory, all vape juices containing nicotine are prohibited for sale, purchase, use and possession.

Technically, there’s a potential exception to this since liquids containing nicotine can be classed as medical products, and when classed as such, are legal. In theory, then, a vape classed as a medical product would be permitted.

In practice, though, no vapes have been approved as medical products, so all vape juices containing nicotine are illegal.

But that’s not the whole story…because there’s an exemption.

Exemption for importation

Although vapes containing nicotine are illegal in Japan and no vapes have been approved as medical products, travelers are still permitted to bring a small amount of “medicinal” nicotine vape juice into the country as long as they abide by strict regulations.

According to a Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare statement, the rules are that each person can bring medicinal vape juice into the country as long as it is strictly for personal use and that the amount does not exceed a one-month supply – which is set at 120ml.

According to Japanese law, if you wanted to bring in more than this, you would have to apply for special medical permission– and since vapes are not approved as medicine, such a request would be denied.

So in effect, each person is allowed to bring in 120ml of vape juice and no more – but if you decide to take vape juice into Japan, there’s another important point to note, and that’s how you carry it.

Taking vape juice onto the plane

For many years, the maximum amount of liquid you can take onto a plane in your carry-on luggage has been 100ml.

This means if you want to take your juice into the cabin with you, it shouldn’t exceed this amount, or it will be confiscated at the security check before you even board the plane.

On the other hand, if you want to take more than 100ml, you’ll need to put it in your checked luggage.

However, since you are not allowed to pack vape batteries in your checked luggage, you’ll need to make sure you separate everything and put the juice in the checked luggage while taking the batteries with you in your carry-on luggage.

This is extremely important because if you try to carry too much vape juice into the cabin, it will be taken away – but if you accidentally pack your batteries in your checked luggage, your bags will be removed from the flight (and you may be too), and you may even receive a fine.

One great option if you want to avoid this kind of trouble is to carry a disposable vape with you such as the Katana BP10000 from up-and-coming vape brand Spiritbar.

Each of these vapes contains only 18ml of vape juice, which is enough for up to 10,000 puffs, and since this is well below the permitted amount, you can easily take one, two or more of these devices with you into the cabin (but not in your checked luggage) without any issues.

That way, you will be sure to have something to vape the whole time you are in Japan, so you won’t need to stress about being able to get your nicotine hit without resorting to smoking.

And since this vape takes its design inspiration from the iconic Japanese katana sword, there’s no more apt vape to carry while visiting the country!

Our Top Pick
SPIRITBAR Katana BP10000

$36 $12.99 (Free Shipping, 2-6 Days Delivery)

  • Up to 10000 Puffs
  • E-liquid & Power Screen Display
  • Mesh Coil
  • 2-6 days delivery

What happens if you get caught breaking the rules?

So now we’re clear on what the rules are, but what are the penalties if you decide to break them?

In a word, if you get caught breaking the rules, the penalties are harsh.

Carrying more vape juice than the prescribed limit can see you fined in the region of ¥300,000 – which is around $2,500, depending on the exchange rate.

Depending on the severity of the offence, you can also face deportation and even time in prison.

If you’re caught selling nicotine vape juice in Japan, you can expect even harsher punishments to apply, so the best advice is to stick to the rules, only carry up to 120ml into the country and be happy with that rather than considering flaunting the rules.

And if you do decide not to follow this advice, you should be aware of the possible consequences – since at the very least, getting caught breaking vape laws in Japan will risk seriously spoiling your trip to the country.

Alternatives to vaping in Japan

But what can you do if you’re traveling in Japan and run out of vape juice?

Of course, you can always buy a pack of cigarettes, but many people vape because they don’t want to smoke – so what are the alternatives?

In Japan, you can easily pick up nicotine patches or nicotine gum to tide you over, both of which release enough nicotine into your system to help beat your cravings.

However, for some, it’s the action of smoking or vaping they crave almost as much as the nicotine itself.

In this case, our recommendation is to combine a nicotine patch or nicotine gum with a nic-free vape that you can pick up while in Japan.

This way, the vape will give you something to do with your hands and the gum or patch will take care of your nicotine cravings.

Other things to bear in mind when Vaping in Japan

Our Top Pick
SPIRITBAR Jack's Flask 9000 Puffs

$36 $12.99 (Free Shipping, 2-6 Days Delivery)

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  • 2-6 days delivery

Other than the legality of taking vapes into Japan, there are a couple of other important points to bear in mind, so let’s finish by looking at some of these.

1. Where to vape in Japan

In Japan, vapes are generally regarded as being the same as cigarettes, so you should only vape in places where you are also allowed to smoke.

Compared to many other places, you might find Japan is a lot stricter about this than you’re used to.

For example, even outside in the street, you will find designated smoking areas – and you’re not allowed to simply walk along the street smoking a cigarette outside of these areas.

As a result, you should follow the same rules for vaping to be sure you don’t get into any trouble with the police.

2. Vaping Etiquette in Japan

In a country where being polite is so important, you should also take great care not to upset anybody by not following the unwritten rules of etiquette while you are in Japan.

This means you should be discreet about your vaping, don’t vape in enclosed spaces with other people around and don’t vape around old people or children.

The best rule to follow is, if in doubt, don’t vape. Remember that Japanese culture is very different to Western culture, so be aware that certain things that might be acceptable back home aren’t ok in Japan.

Proper behavior is highly valued in Japan, so always take care not to offend anybody by behaving in a way that might seem rude or inconsiderate.

3. Vaping is seen as the same as smoking by many people in Japan

Since vaping is not so common in Japan, many non-smokers see vaping as the same thing as smoking.

This means you should be aware of where you vape and who is watching – because you might receive a few disapproving looks from people who see you vaping in a place where you wouldn’t normally smoke, even if it’s not technically forbidden to do so.

4. Smoking has been banned in restaurants since 2020 in Japan

Be aware that smoking has been banned in restaurants and bars in Japan since 2020, so you shouldn’t vape in those places either – unless you are otherwise told that it’s ok.

You can take vapes to Japan – but be aware of the details of the law

Our Top Pick
SPIRITBAR Katana BP10000

$36 $12.99 (Free Shipping, 2-6 Days Delivery)

  • Up to 10000 Puffs
  • E-liquid & Power Screen Display
  • Mesh Coil
  • 2-6 days delivery

Contrary to much of the information available online, in certain limited circumstances, it is permitted to take nicotine vape juice into Japan as long as it is for personal use and doesn’t exceed the 120ml limit.

However, it’s important to be fully clued up as to what the laws say you can and can’t do – and making sure you know the details of the rules will help ensure you don’t get into any vape-related trouble during your trip.

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